My Outfit Is Layered Like a Homeless

rrIMG_0615niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty blogger interior blogger denmark biggest blogger mens fashion women f

Back Pack By Primark//Jacket By Levis//Jeans By cheap Monday//Sweater By H&M//Scarfs Self made//

Here is todays outfit. I really wanted to wear a comftorbale, realistic and cozy outfit without a big winter jacket. Here in DK, it’ starting get really cold and I hate to wear a big fat winter jacket everyday. So I thought I would do a outfit that doesn’t require a winter jacket. So I couldn’t get my inspiration from any better than the homeless. They really know how to layer their clothing so they are at all time warm. I combined my oversize denim jacket with a grey sweater, rapped two scarfs and a pair of brown boots. A great go to look. I have two pairs of black jeans and decided to cut these ones at the knees. You can’t really see it on the pictures, but when I walk you see a hint of skin. Which I really like.

I went and got my winter jacket at the post office, just like the picture. I will show you guys it soon. Talk to you later.

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My Outfit Is Layered Like a Homeless

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